Using Propensity Scores

Lucy D’Agostino McGowan

Wake Forest University

Propensity scores




Direct Adjustment

Image source: Simon Grund

Propensity scores




Direct Adjustment

Target estimands

Average Treatment Effect (ATE)

\[\tau = E[Y(1) - Y(0)]\]

Target estimands


Target population

Example Research Question


Full population

Should we decide whether to have extra magic hours all mornings to change the wait time for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train between 9-10 AM?

Should a specific policy be applied to all eligible observations?

Target estimands

Average Treatment Effect among the Treated (ATT)

\[\tau = E[Y(1) - Y(0) | Z = 1]\]

Target estimands


Target population

Example Research Question


Exposed (treated) observations

Should we stop extra magic hours to change the wait time for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train between 9-10 AMpm?

Should we stop our marketing campaign to those currently receiving it?

Should medical providers stop recommending treatment for those currently receiving it?

Matching in R (ATT)

m <- matchit(
  qsmk ~ sex + 
    race + age + I(age^2) + education + 
    smokeintensity + I(smokeintensity^2) + 
    smokeyrs + I(smokeyrs^2) + exercise + 
    active + wt71 + I(wt71^2), 
  data = nhefs_complete
A matchit object
 - method: 1:1 nearest neighbor matching without replacement
 - distance: Propensity score
             - estimated with logistic regression
 - number of obs.: 1566 (original), 806 (matched)
 - target estimand: ATT
 - covariates: sex, race, age, I(age^2), education, smokeintensity, I(smokeintensity^2), smokeyrs, I(smokeyrs^2), exercise, active, wt71, I(wt71^2)

Matching in R (ATT)

matched_data <- get_matches(m, id = "i")
# A tibble: 806 × 71
   i     subclass weights  seqn  qsmk death yrdth modth
   <chr> <fct>      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 11    1              1   428     1     0    NA    NA
 2 1220  1              1 23045     0     0    NA    NA
 3 15    2              1   446     1     1    88     1
 4 1082  2              1 22294     0     0    NA    NA
 5 18    3              1   596     1     0    NA    NA
 6 534   3              1 14088     0     0    NA    NA
 7 23    4              1   618     1     0    NA    NA
 8 697   4              1 18085     0     0    NA    NA
 9 27    5              1   806     1     0    NA    NA
10 879   5              1 21128     0     0    NA    NA
# ℹ 796 more rows
# ℹ 63 more variables: dadth <dbl>, sbp <dbl>, dbp <dbl>,
#   sex <fct>, age <dbl>, race <fct>, …

Target estimands

Average Treatment Effect among the Controls (ATC)

\[\tau = E[Y(1) - Y(0) | Z = 0]\]

Target estimands


Target population

Example Research Question


Unexposed (control) observations

Should we add extra magic hours for all days to change the wait time for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train between 9-10 AMpm?

Should we extend our marketing campaign to those not receiving it?

Should medical providers extend treatment to those not currently receiving it?

Matching in R (ATC)

m <- matchit(
  qsmk ~ sex + 
    race + age + I(age^2) + education + 
    smokeintensity + I(smokeintensity^2) + 
    smokeyrs + I(smokeyrs^2) + exercise + 
    active + wt71 + I(wt71^2), 
  data = nhefs_complete,
  estimand = "ATC"
A matchit object
 - method: 1:1 nearest neighbor matching without replacement
 - distance: Propensity score
             - estimated with logistic regression
 - number of obs.: 1566 (original), 806 (matched)
 - target estimand: ATC
 - covariates: sex, race, age, I(age^2), education, smokeintensity, I(smokeintensity^2), smokeyrs, I(smokeyrs^2), exercise, active, wt71, I(wt71^2)

Target estimands

Average Treatment Effect among the Matched (ATM)

Target estimands


Target population

Example Research Question


Evenly matchable

Are there some days we should change whether we are offering extra magic hours in order to change the wait time for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train between 9-10 AMpm?

Is there an effect of the exposure for some observations?

Should those at clinical equipoise receive treatment?

Matching in R (ATM)

m <- matchit(
  qsmk ~ sex + 
    race + age + I(age^2) + education + 
    smokeintensity + I(smokeintensity^2) + 
    smokeyrs + I(smokeyrs^2) + exercise + 
    active + wt71 + I(wt71^2), 
  data = nhefs_complete,
  link = "linear.logit", 
  caliper = 0.1

Observations with propensity scores (on the linear logit scale) within 0.1 standard errors (the caliper) will be discarded

Matching in R (ATM)

A matchit object
 - method: 1:1 nearest neighbor matching without replacement
 - distance: Propensity score [caliper]
             - estimated with logistic regression and linearized
 - caliper: <distance> (0.063)
 - number of obs.: 1566 (original), 780 (matched)
 - target estimand: ATT
 - covariates: sex, race, age, I(age^2), education, smokeintensity, I(smokeintensity^2), smokeyrs, I(smokeyrs^2), exercise, active, wt71, I(wt71^2)

Matching in R (ATM)

matched_data <- get_matches(m, id = "i")
# A tibble: 780 × 71
   i     subclass weights  seqn  qsmk death yrdth modth
   <chr> <fct>      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 11    1              1   428     1     0    NA    NA
 2 1220  1              1 23045     0     0    NA    NA
 3 15    2              1   446     1     1    88     1
 4 1082  2              1 22294     0     0    NA    NA
 5 18    3              1   596     1     0    NA    NA
 6 534   3              1 14088     0     0    NA    NA
 7 23    4              1   618     1     0    NA    NA
 8 697   4              1 18085     0     0    NA    NA
 9 27    5              1   806     1     0    NA    NA
10 879   5              1 21128     0     0    NA    NA
# ℹ 770 more rows
# ℹ 63 more variables: dadth <dbl>, sbp <dbl>, dbp <dbl>,
#   sex <fct>, age <dbl>, race <fct>, …

Your Turn 1


Using the propensity scores you created in the previous exercise, create a “matched” data set using the ATM method with a caliper of 0.2.

Propensity scores




Direct Adjustment

Histogram of propensity scores

Target estimands: ATE

Average Treatment Effect (ATE)

\[\Large w_{ATE} = \frac{Z_i}{p_i} + \frac{1-Z_i}{1 - p_i}\]

(Z / p) + ((1 - Z) / (1 - p))


Target estimands: ATT & ATC

Average Treatment Effect Among the Treated (ATT) \[\Large w_{ATT} = \frac{p_i Z_i}{p_i} + \frac{p_i (1-Z_i)}{1-p_i}\]

((p * Z) / p) + ((p * (1 - Z)) / (1 - p))

Target estimands: ATT & ATC

Average Treatment Effect Among the Controls (ATC) \[\Large w_{ATC} = \frac{(1-p_i)Z_i}{p_i} + \frac{(1-p_i)(1-Z_i)}{(1-p_i)}\]

(((1 - p) * Z) / p) + (((1 - p) * (1 - Z)) / (1 - p))



Target estimands: ATM & ATO

Average Treatment Effect Among the Evenly Matchable (ATM) \[\Large w_{ATM} = \frac{\min \{p_i, 1-p_i\}}{Z_ip_i + (1-Z_i)(1-p_i)}\]

pmin(p, 1 - p) / (Z * p + (1 - Z) * (1 - p))

Target estimands: ATM & ATO

Average Treatment Effect Among the Overlap Population \[\Large w_{ATO} = (1-p_i)Z_i + p_i(1-Z_i)\]

(1 - p) * Z + p * (1 - Z)

Target estimands

Estimand Target population Example Research Question
ATO Overlap population Same as ATM



ATE in R

Average Treatment Effect (ATE) \(w_{ATE} = \frac{Z_i}{p_i} + \frac{1-Z_i}{1 - p_i}\)

df <- propensity_model |>
  augment(type.predict = "response", data = nhefs_complete) |>
  mutate(w_ate = wt_ate(.fitted, qsmk)) 

Your Turn 2


Using the propensity scores you created in the previous exercise, add the ATE weights to your data frame

Stretch: Using the same propensity scores, create ATM weights